Krishna playing the flute

Explore the 10th, 11th, and 12th Cantos

Translated with Unparalleled Vrajavasi Insight by His Divine Grace Sripad Kṛṣna Balarām Swāmīji Mahārāj Prabhupāda

Discover the Volumes

A Journey into Krishna's Eternal Lila

The Bhagavat Purana stands as the ripened fruit of Vedic literature, capturing the essence of spiritual knowledge in its most accessible form. Among its twelve cantos, the 10th, 11th, and 12th hold special significance, containing Krishna's divine pastimes, the Uddhava Gita, and the path to ultimate liberation.

This unprecedented 15-volume translation focuses exclusively on these final cantos, offering readers the most comprehensive exploration of Krishna's manifestation and teachings ever presented in the English language. Each verse is meticulously translated with insights preserved within the sacred Vrajavasi lineage.

Unlike conventional translations, this work unveils the hidden nectar within each Sanskrit syllable, revealing layers of meaning accessible only to those with genuine spiritual realization.

Vyasa dictating to Lord Ganesha

Featured Volumes

Volume 1: The Advent of Krishna

Volume 1: The Advent of Krishna

Volume 1 unveils Krishna's divine birth with Vrajavasi purports revealing the hidden ecstasy of each Sanskrit syllable, offering spiritual insights unavailable in other translations.

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Volume 3: Vrindavan Pastimes

Volume 3: Vrindavan Pastimes

Experience Krishna's childhood lilas in Vrindavan through Swāmīji's detailed commentary that illuminates the spiritual significance behind each playful act of the Supreme Personality.

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Volume 7: The Rasa Dance Unveiled

Volume 7: The Rasa Dance Unveiled

Swāmīji's purport on 'rasa' reveals its fivefold ecstasy, unseen in prior translations, presenting the confidential understanding of Krishna's divine dance with the gopis.

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Why This Translation?

Sanskrit Mastery

Trained from birth in the sacred language of the Vedas, Swāmīji decodes every word's essence with unparalleled precision, revealing nuances lost in conventional translations.

Vrajavasi Insight

Drawing from the confidential realizations preserved within Vrindavan's sacred lineage, this translation offers insights available only to those immersed in the living tradition of Krishna worship.

Acharya Legacy

Perfectly aligned with the teachings of Madhvacharya, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and prior Vaishnava luminaries, this work preserves the authentic understanding of the Bhagavatam.

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